Deborah Ford DCN RDN CCN NP
General Consultation
Are you confused and need information from a professional? In this hour, general advice and opinions will be offered based on the latest evidence based research and experience.
Need a reboot with a healthy dose of motivational talk and a plan to follow?
Brain fog? Can’t think of the words quickly?
Belly bloat? Gas, constipation, diarrhea, burping and belching?
Fatigue? Tail dragging?
High blood pressure? High blood sugar? High triglycerides? At risk for heart disease?
Aging too fast?
“Bad genes”?
Hormones hell? Anxious, hot flashes, infertility, PCOS?
Hair loss?
Weight loss resistant?
This is for you.
Schedule your “mini” general appointment or the comprehensive, personalized one hour consultation.