Cancer- Discussion of NYC Functional Forum
New Year's Tips for Continual Improvement
Goal Setting with Guest Author Katie Ohl
Tips to Prevent Weight Gain and Healthy Holiday Seasonings
Weight Loss for Life New Year's Specials
All those degrees and more to come.....
Activity trackers, exercise and health
Knee Pain and Repair
Coconut oil
Vitamin D
Probiotics many uses
Yoga Classes, Naturopathic Degree and Micronutrient Testing
Detoxification, Cellulite, and Energy Drinks
Chiropractic Mission Trip to El Salvador, Stevia and Chemical Sweeteners
Weight Loss for Life
Summertime Maladies
Is knee pain slowing you down?
10 Commandments for Feeling and Looking 20 Years Younger
Are you in hormone hell?
Listen as Deb Ford MS RD CCN and Dr. Ian Rainey discuss natural approaches to female hormone balance. Today's lifestyle is very hard on the delicate femaie hormonal system but can often be safely brought back into harmony with nutrition, herbs, and lifestyle adjustments. In the blog section you can download the hormone quiz and see if you are in 'hormone hell'.